
When do we get to play spintires mudrunner
When do we get to play spintires mudrunner

when do we get to play spintires mudrunner when do we get to play spintires mudrunner when do we get to play spintires mudrunner

They can cut through forests and wave between trees, allowing them to uncover the ‘fog of war’ that initially obscures the map and reveal wider roads and trails for your big haulers to squeeze through. Your garage is filled with an array of vehicles to plough through the mud in, including nimble jeeps that are good for scouting the area ahead. You learn that the big trucks can often brute force across anything with a head of steam. I don’t pretend to understand much of the underlying math and science, but I intuitively know the peril of driving certain kinds of trucks over certain patches of road. Deformable terrain, traction physics, truck weight, torque, yadda yadda yadda. Superlative exploration aside, what makes this game work is the basic interaction of tires with the ground. Let’s see, on the map, it looks like this leads to, uh, someplace I haven’t explored, so I have no idea. Oh, wait, I’ve been driving along some sort of wash or gully and someplace where there aren’t any trees for whatever reason. Spintires is about roads that sometimes aren’t even roads.

When do we get to play spintires mudrunner